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RMAlertsd User Interface (RM Alert Manager)

RMAlertd (.exe) is an executable application needing to be running at all times on the server (i.e. rmserver) or the computer running the e-mail account application (i.e. ISP account). Only one copy of RMAlertd should be running in the store. RMAlertD.exe” should be added to RMStart.exe as a process at startup.

RMAlert Setup Options

The RM Alert Manager form has limited functionality. The Setup Menu contains six options:

RM Alert Manager Tabs

There are four tab across the top of RM Alert Manager. Each tab will show information and has a set of button s specific for each program :

Triggered Alerts- by default this screen will be blank. Use the "Compute Triggered Alerts Now" button to update and display messages ready to be sent. The information displayed on each column of the Triggered Alerts tab will very for each configured alert.

RM Monitor Tab- The RM Monitor tab displays the last time there was activity for RM Monitor belongin to the site. This tab also contains three buttons:

E-mails Tab- This tab will display information letting you know if RMMailer is running. There are three button under this tab:

Quick Staffer Notification- this tab will display any pending employee notifications for the Quickstaffer Interface



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